Is pre-natal massage safe during all trimesters?

    Yes, our therapists are trained to provide safe massages tailored to your specific pregnancy stage.

    When can I start post-natal massage after delivery?

    Post-natal massages can begin 5–7 days after normal delivery or 2–3 weeks after a C-section, with your doctor’s approval.

    Do I need to prepare anything for the session?

    No, our therapists bring all necessary equipment, including a massage bed, towels, and oils.

    Can I book sessions for multiple people at the same time?

    Yes, we can arrange multiple sessions for family or friends. Please mention this during booking.

    How do I pay for my sessions?

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    What happens if I need to reschedule?

    Simply contact us via WhatsApp at least 24 hours in advance to reschedule your session.